The National Swallow Class
The Swallow is a classic light displacement keelboat usually sailed with a crew of three. The fleet is based at Itchenor where the boats are kept on swinging moorings near the Club jetties.
With more than 30 Swallows in our fleet we host three or more races every weekend from April to October in addition to several Trophy weekends. The class has national championships hosted by a Solent club and annual racing at Cowes Classics Week. These classic three-person one design keelboats are thoroughbred, elegant and a dream to sail. Fast, simple, and beautiful.
Click here to see the new National Swallow Class website.
Designed in 1946 Tom Thornycroft as the new light displacement low cost two-man keelboat for the 1948 London Olympics, the Swallow is a National Class. Class rules and measurement are subject to regulation by the RYA and administration is undertaken by the National Swallow Class Association (NSCA).
We are keen to attract sailors into the Swallow fleet and guests are always most welcome. The Swallow is ideal for those who wish to transition from racing dinghies and enjoy exciting and competitive keelboat racing in the Harbour and beyond. Crewing opportunities are readily arranged (contact the ISC Swallow Team or search the crew finder), shares in existing boat syndicates are available and there are boats for sale. A lively social programme is part of the Swallow calendar.
For more details please contact the Class Captain, Charles Hyatt.
See also: Swallow Racing Programme / Swallow News
Crew Available / Crew Wanted
If you're available to crew a boat or looking for crew for your boat, why not try our integrated Crew Finder in the Members Area!
If you're available to crew:
- Log on to the ISC website.
- In the Members Area, scroll down to the Crew Finder section and click on "Crew available".
- Click on "update your availability", input the relevant information and click update at the bottom.
- You're now visible and contactable via the Crew available list, you can also go to the crew wanted section and click on View all recent listings to see if there is anyone that may suit your needs.
If you're looking for crew:
- Log on to the ISC website.
- In the Members Area, scroll down to the Crew Finder section and click on "Crew wanted".
- Click on "update your crew requirements".
- Click on the boat you require a crew for.
- Click on "Crew Finder" and select "Yes, I am looking for crew for my boat", input the relevant information and click update at the bottom.
- This will now be displayed in the crew wanted area of the website for people to view, you can also go to the crew available section to see if there is anyone that may suit your crewing needs.
Last updated 14:46 on 20 January 2025